Hillcrest Farm strives to provide high quality seedstock cattle , feeder cattle, grains, and forages that meet consumer’s preferences and demands in the southeastern U.S.; while conserving our natural resources and continuing our family’s agricultural legacy.
About Us
Nestled in the rolling hills of Southeastern West Virginia is the town of Hillsboro and the location of Hillcrest Farm. While the area is rich in history it also boasts an ideal climate for the production of cattle and crops.The VanReenen and Hill Family have been involved in agriculture since coming to this country in the 1840's and 1760's respectively. BothThomas and Linda grew up on family farms in the area. After high school Thomas attended Potomac State College and proudly served in the United States Air Force. He then worked in farm machinery sales before devoting all of his time to the farm. Linda received her education at West Virginia Wesleyan College and taught at Pocahontas County High School for over 30 years.
After being married for a short time Thomas and Linda bought a farm just outside of Hillsboro, W.V. in 1979, with that purchase the beginnings of Hillcrest Farm were created. The original farm consisted of a mixed breed cow/calf operation and cattle feeding.
Through the years the farm began to acquire Charolais cattle and a purebred
cattle herd was established. As this was happening the commercial cattle herd
]continued to grow with the help of Charolais genetics. As time evolved the
farm started utilizing artificial insemination to increase the genetic base of the
purebred cattle herd. Today all purebred cattle are artificially inseminated to
create uniform top producing Charolais genetics. In addition our commercial
cattle herd, consisting of predominately Charolais females, are now placed
with SimAngus bulls to increase heterosis for our market animals.
In 2012 after attending college and working elsewhere, Timothy VanReenen joined the operation full time. Using his degrees from Virginia Tech in Agricultural and Applied Economics and Career and Technical Education he has aided in the development of the farm. Today Thomas, Linda, and Timothy provide management and labor for the farming operations. The farm consists of owned and rented land around Hillsboro. While Charolais cattle are the heart of today’s operation the farm also raises commercial cattle, hay, barley, corn, oats, soybeans, and timber.
In 2019 Lauren Payne joined the farming operation as
Timothy's girlfriend. Although not raised on a farm, her family
has farming roots in Georgia. Lauren loves to spend time
helping with cattle and crop work and the show cattle. In
2021Timothy and Lauren were married with the reception held
at the farm.
Through the years there have been many changes with the increase of acreage and operations however, at our core we are still a family based operation that values hard work and faith in God. It is because of Him we are able to build our legacy producing food for our world and conserving our natural resources for the next generation.